Cobalt Congress Speaker

 Éric Kalala

CEO, Entreprise Générale du Cobalt - Vice-President of the Chamber of Mines of DRC

Eric Kalala completed his university studies by obtaining a Master’s degree in Management engineering from the Institute of Administration and Management at the Université Catholique de Louvain, in Belgium, 2003.

This education was completed by a CEMS Master’s in International Management from HEC -Paris in 2004 and by a GMP from Harvard Business School at Harvard University in 2015. After a career in Corporate Finance from 2003 within the Bolloré Group, he migrated to Corporate Governance positions from 2012, of which he became Managing Director in 2012 then Chairman and CEO from 2019 to 2023. In addition, from 2018 to 2020, he was also Deputy CEO of Havas Media RDC and President of the Vivendi Africa Group DRC since 2022.

Since June 2023, he has been appointed CEO of the Enterprise Générale du Cobalt, in charge of the exploitation of Congolese cobalt of artisanal origin. Cobalt is an essential commodity to the electric battery industries. Its main skills are naturally oriented towards: Corporate Governance, Logistics (port and mining), Corporate Finance.

He is an accredited mining and quarrying agent at the Ministry of Mines and Vice-President of the Chamber of Mines of DRC.